Monday, 14 July 2014

Final vaccinations

Today we had our last vaccine, not as relaxing as acupuncture I am afraid!!



Sunday, 13 July 2014

Progress so far ....


Pat has raised £1467,20 so far. The counting is doing wonders for his math skills...


Tuesday, 8 July 2014

My name is Patrick and I am 11 years old in Year 6. This summer, I am going to be a volunteer in Bolivia, together with my mum (Esther). We are going to be based in a Children's Centre just outside La Paz near Mallasa, managed entirely by local families from a small community. The Centre helps underprivileged children from Nursery to 12 year olds. Mum and I are are fundraising to buy books and school equipment, maybe some school furniture. Our top aim would be a computer!!